Want to see your business logo here and be featured on our FB page? Click the link to become a sponsor.
Our Chocolate sales fundraiser is starting soon. Click Here to get your permission form for your child to participate. All permission forms turned in by Thursday 1/30 will receive their first box on Friday 1/31. We will be collecting money and issuing boxes on the shaded dates found on the calendar below:
Prize 1-Gift Basket-Heather Murphey
Prize 2-Sneaker Ball Tickets-Hther Murphey
Prize 3-Yearbook-Doelle Avelius
Parents our SPIRIT RUN has been postponed due to Hurrican Helene. Please stay tuned for more details
Join our PTO by clicking HERE!
Only $20 per family for the whole year!
Is your Family or Business Interested in being a 2024-2025 PTO Sponsor? Click Here!
<<<All sponsors will also be featured here on our Website
PTO General Meetings
Join us for our next General Meeting on Thursday, December 19th at 4:00pm. The meeting will be held in the Media Center. Come and help us get ready for our Fall Fundraisers and hear how successful our membership drive is going. Find out how we help our teachers jump back in to the school year!
Tentative Meeting Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year
December 19th
January 16th
February 20th
March 20th
April 17th
May 15th
Chocolate Fundraiser-starting January 31st and Ending February 28th
Chocolate Sales Collection/Distribution Calendar:
Postponed until further notice
Volunteer Opportunities
Check back here often for volunteer opportunities!